Saturday 17 October 2009

Daffs' Laffs
Carly Daff: Our celebrity standing has increased to the level of radio broadcast as well as newspapers!! Although we were all nervous Malcolm quickly put us at ease and had us laughing and singing along to Tom Jones (good job that bit wasn't on air - and there were no knickers flying around!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sis!! First time ive wrote on this blog! I love reading what ur up to tho, it's fab!! Cant believe all the things uve been doing , its incredible! Ur Very lucky!
    How come u look so nervous in this shot? It's just talking - ur favourite past time!
    Well i hope ur ok. Take care of urself! Only 2 weeks left now, make the most of it babes.
    Love you millions and Cant wait to see u! Amie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
