Thursday, 1 October 2009

First full cultural day and what a day it has been! 4 x 4 off road along rough tracks and sand dunes alongside the sea and cliffs in the Lincoln National Park - unforgetable. Lunch taken in the middle of a huge sand dune - great company, many good laughs. We will be very sorry to leave this fantastic place. Finished the day having dinner with hosts - and some sad farewells.


  1. This all sounds like great fun, but hectic. Will the daffs be posting too ??

  2. The photo looks like you are standing on St David's Head - are you sure you left the UK?

    Very best wishes


  3. Great to see what you're all doing. Keep it coming. Is it wise to let the daffodils post?

  4. I warned you that you may not want to come home. Just enjoy the experience and look after your energy reserves, you will need them later.

  5. Keep up the hen pecking girls, its the way to keep those welsh men in order! LOL#

    Its great keeping track of what your up to, enjoy it all can't wait to hear about it when your home...

  6. the daffodils are contributing to Leakspeak don't worry!!!

  7. Where is daffodil claire otherwise known as the fairy xxxxxx
